A Re-entry faith-based pilot program that addresses the needs of formerly incarcerated adults to support successful reintegration and return to their communities. The RenewU program focuses on building self-confidence to increase self-awareness, trust, and respect of self and others. Services are provided without regard or preference to faith traditions. RenewU offers mentorships, life-skills training, personal development training, job preparation skills, job referrals, and community resource referrals. Services will be provided at no cost and open to all without regard or preference to faith traditions, however, scriptural augmentation and Christian discipleship is an integral part of the program
Program Description
Six-month program with clients meeting two times per week:
- Life Skills: Training utilizing Change Companies curriculum, an evidence-based process that motivates and guides participants toward positive life change. Designed to reorient thinking and influence decisions. Training topics include:
- Responsible Thinking: Change thinking to alter attitudes and behaviors.
- Personal Growth: Healthy relationships, being a productive family member, understanding feelings and their impact on day-to-day.
- Managing My Life: Financial responsibility, time management, legal issues, employment, and coping skills.
- Maintaining Positive Change: Change is a process, not an event, motivation to continue through the setbacks.
- Change Plan: Enacting new skills.
- Mentoring/Coaching: Will be in a small group with a mentor/coach being a supportive companion listening and guiding the development of social skills, emotional skills, thinking skills, spiritual life, and discipleship.
- Seminars and Workshops: Designed to reinforce healthy living and well-being.
- Referral Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Mental Health Services, County Services
- Temporary Housing Referrals: Obtained from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, local housing authorities and community organizations.
- Transportation Stipends: will be provided to program participants