Genesis Community Development Corporation

"What I enjoyed most about the tour…. The Legacy Museum, National Memorial for Peace and Justice and the step show. This tour personally benefited me because getting to tour and see college life with the other students of color showed me a different perspective. It impacted me because HBCU’s show that they care about their students personally compared to going to a PWI."
12th Grade

"What I enjoyed the most about the tour…. meeting my fellow peers that participated in the tour as well as experiencing so many great things. The tour personally benefited me because I got to learn the history of where I come from…. and what people had to sacrifice for us, that was the greatest impact on me."
11th Grade
"What I like most... seeing the students' excitement when they were surrounded by educated people who looked and talked like them."
"What I enjoyed the most ….The step show, Tuskegee’s homecoming game & parade, The Legacy Museum and Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. This tour personally benefited me because it showed me the true togetherness in HBCU communities. …on the college campuses I could really feel a sense of pride in themselves, their school, and each other. Seeing how many alumni came back to the homecoming game, how many conversations would spark up between old friends, and how many people stopped to talk with us just because of the clothes we were wearing really holds all the talk about the HBCU environment true."
12th Grade